Friday, 25 August 2017

Numeracy Reflection

For numeracy this week we did problem solving.  We had four problems to work on and we had to decide how we were going to work it out.  here is one of the problems I solved.  I found this a little bit hard to start with but then I used a whiteboard to work it out.  How would you solve this problem?

Friday, 7 July 2017

term 2 reflection

What have I enjoyed about this term?

I have enjoyed the art this term.   Looking at Robert Delaney and then producing two pieces of art using his style.   I am very proud of my artwork.

What have I not enjoyed about the term?
I didn't like the cross country run.   I liked the obstacle course part,  but the run itself was boring.   

What is one thing that I am going to focus on next term?

Listening to instructions,  and focusing on my work.

What is one thing that I would like to continue next term?
Is to do art because i think art is fun to do i like pastel paint and hand art. 

Friday, 23 June 2017

My Mum

Walt: Describe a family member using interesting words.

This week we had to describe a family member. I chose to do my mum and here are my ideas.

My mum

Nice       takes me to sports
Kind       supports me to do my best
Helpful   cooks amazing dinners
Loving    loves me no matter what
Warm hugs Sometimes I feel sad when mum's not around.
Eyes - brown,   Hair - dark brown, wavy,   wears it in a messy bun ,  skin - tanned and wears makeup.   Soft but strong voice,   chuckles when laughs.

My mums name is Te Ana and she is 29 years old.   I love my mum very much and  she loves me just as much and doesn’t matter what I do.

She has dark brown wavy hair that she usually wears in a  bun.   Her eyes are also brown.   Her skin is tanned and she wears makeup often and I think she is beautiful.    She has a soft strong voice and chuckles when she laughs.

My Mum takes me to sport,  cooks me amazing dinners and helps me when I have problems.   She is kind, caring and loving.

Friday, 16 June 2017

Week 7 Term 2 - Numeracy

Walt:  Solve word problems using addition

This week we have been working out word problems using different addition strategies.   Below is my work:

Literacy Week 7 Term 2 - Writing

Walt:  To start my work independently and stay on task.

This week we were given the task of describing our teacher,  I am still struggling with my goal,  but am working hard to achieve it.    Below i have linked my piece of work.  

Descriptive writing

Friday, 2 June 2017

My Mum writing

Walt:   Select our own purpose for writing and follow the writing process.

I chose to write about the a special person in my life.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Literacy Reflection Term 1 Week 9

this is some of the things that i did on camp 

Anzac Diamante ( brain storming ideas)

For literacy this week, we had to create a Diamante Poem about Anzac, My 2 subjects were WAR and PEACE, here is my brain storming ideas

Friday, 7 April 2017

Top Team 2017

On Tuesday we all competed in Top Team.  This is some activities that we did as a team,  my team was called Spec Savers and we wore Black and White.    My favourite event was the Gum Boot Throw because throwing the gumboot was easy for me.     My least favourite the Map Puzzle as the puzzle pieces were heavy to carry and i got hit with a piece.

Kahawai 40BC

Author:  Paul Mason

Illustrator: Paul Mason

Journal:  Kahawai

Genre: Fiction

This story was about a bay that was polluted. It was unsafe to fish there. An old tin boat was pulled across the sand into the polluted water by a Grandmother and her Grandchild.  You should read the book to find out what happens.  You can find this story in Level 3 School Journal from October 2013

fantastic mr fox 40bc

Titile : fantastic mr fox
Author : roald dahl
Illustrator : Quentin Blake
Genre fairy tales

this book is about a sneaky fox named fantastic Mr fox trying to Survive wall being hunted by Bogis bance and bean 

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Numeracy reflection T1W10

This is my video on how to make some addition problems easier.   Next time I have learnt to have a script to make the process easier.

Kawa of Care

Here is my rules for looking after your chromebook.

Friday, 31 March 2017

This week for reading group we were learning about Global Warming.   I have supplied the link below to our groups pre-thoughts and and finding afters reading the article.

link to global warming

Reflection - Numeracy T1 W9

This week we learnt more about place value and expanding numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.  Here is an example of some of my work. I found this hard to do at the start but I am getting better.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

My Profile

Friday, 17 March 2017

Literacy Reflection T1W7

This is some of my writing from this week: 

My favourite part at camp was the seal colony.  There were so many baby seal pups at Tauranga Bay. A kea went down where the seals were. It looked very scary for the kea. I thought it was going to be eaten because seals will bite things that move.

We had to write a paragraph about our favourite part of camp and include lots of information using the 5W's and an H.

Numeracy t1w7


This week for Numeracy we learnt all about the face, place and total value of each digit in 4 digit numbers .

Friday, 3 March 2017

numeracy t1w5

My numeracy goals

This week we did our numeracy goals. I am going to work on knowing my place value.  I have started this week learning about hundreds, tens and ones.  Here is my DLO.

Literacy w5 t1 reflection

This week for literacy we have been choosing a topic to write about. I wrote about the best things to do in Hanmer Springs. Here are some things.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Term 1 week 4 Electronics

Two days ago Andrew came and talked to us on how to make stuff that could read your strength and can see how bright it is. One had a light that changed colour. It was super fun because the lights was very colourful and bright. I liked the crocodile pegs and the nails to help the LED's work because they were different colours.

I found it hard to make the LED work. I found it easy to grip the nail to calculate my strength. Here is some pictures of the session: